
Recorded frequency data of the mainsfrequency

Second values of the mains frequency / Measurement since July 2011 / Resolution 1 mHz

Frequency measurement data

Rounded image


Recorded measurement data of the mains frequency

Recorded and validated measured values since July 2011 in second resolution.

Setting up and operating a recording of measured values over many years is costly and time-consuming. By selling the data set to several customers, we can significantly reduce the costs of operating the measurement for the customer. This means that you receive the data you need more cheaply and more quickly than with your own measurement.

We have recorded the network frequency with four measuring devices at three locations since July 1, 2011. This ensures continuous recording even in the event of a power failure at one location or a defect in a power supply unit. The network frequency measurement data are representative for the entire European network, as the frequency (with the exception of fluctuations) is the same in the entire network area.

So that you can get an impression of the course of the network frequency for yourself, we provide you with two test data sets for a typical week (09.09.2012 to 15.09.2012) for download:

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Europe - Germany

  • Egerländer Str. 9,
    85452 Moosinning
  • info@gobmaiergmbh.de
  • +49 163 701 601 7